Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Alter Ego

FYI: I haven't dyed my hair yet. I'm still thinking whether I should color my hair red or should I just opt to the color that I have right now.

Thank God for photoshop, I can play around with colors. "Selective Color" is one of my favorite Adjustment tools to use when I edit my pictures. I don't really use "Filter" that much. I know there are so many stuff you can do with them, I don't know, maybe because I haven't really been keeping myself updated with the latest photoshop trends?

Especially when I'm alone, and it's cold outside, my camera and tripod are the best playmates ever! It gives me the time to practice my make-up skills. Haha. I am no make-up artist. I just wear it when I feel like to. Of course, events or occasions are exceptions. And I always opt for a natural look. (Cuz that's the only look I know how to do. XP)

Here are the pictures :)

                                                                              Alter Ego
How I edited this:
Continue reading below to how to edit the two pictures
Moved the 2nd picture into the 1st picture
Free Transform, Flip Horizontally
Moved the picture to the right, used Soft Light (Layer Section) for this and less than 50% Opacity and Fill

How I edited this: 
Selective Color: Played with Neutral and Black
Replace Color: Adjusted the Hue and Saturation
Shadows and Highlights: Adjust everything till you get your desired look for your picture :)
Photo Filter: Sepia 25% 

How I edited this:
Selective Color: played with Neutrals and Black
Duplicate Layer then adjust the Opacity to less than 50% and moved slightly to the right to create the effect. 

Still learning and growing my photoshop skills! What I did is really easy! If you're bored and you're into pictures, graphic design and such, explore Photoshop! You'll be surprised what you can do :)

Enjoy! Thanks for reading! :)


Ps. Happy Leap(?) Day! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

For a Change?

                                                          What do you think? Hmmm.

What I Wore: Golden Neutral

Before throwing them to the clothes hamper, I decided to have a little fun for my first "What-I-Wore" post. This is my yesterday's outfit to church + a black blazer. It was so windy and chilly in SF! Oh I can't wait for summer! 

:D:D:D Bub surprised me with the MK gold watch last week. I was extremely happy! 

Happy day to everyone!


white tank top, Forever21; brown shirt, Banana Republic; ripped pants, Levi's; comabt boots, Steve Madden; Michael Kors Jet-setter watch; gifted headband worn as a bracelet

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ryan and Princess: Anniversary Love

Happy 5th anniversary guys! I love that you guys have a yearly tradition of having pictures of yourselves as a couple on your anniversary! I had fun taking your photos! Especially your levitation pictures! From the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate the both of you for jumping many times even though you guys were so hungry since the beginning of the shoot. Ugh. But thank God for giving us such warm and nice Saturday afternoon! The weather was just perfect! 
Again, happy anniversary guys! Have a wonderful and lovely Valentine’s too!

